Exploring phenomena of degradation
This diary retraces the exploration of transitory states, blurred boundaries and degradation phenomena observed during a 5-month sensory exercise. Combining personal photographs, experiments, texts and references, this collection plays with the polysemy of the french word "degradé" (meaning both gradient and degradation), shaping a repertoire of degradation and revealing its potential.
Master thesis at ENSCI - les Ateliers, under the direction of Pierre Bourdareau
Credit photo 1-2-3 : Juliette Eugénie
Exploring phenomena of degradation
This diary retraces the exploration of transitory states, blurred boundaries and degradation phenomena observed during a 5-month sensory exercise. Combining personal photographs, experiments, texts and references, this collection plays with the polysemy of the french word "degradé" (meaning both gradient and degradation), shaping a repertoire of degradation and revealing its potential.
Master thesis at ENSCI - les Ateliers, under the direction of Pierre Bourdareau
Credit photo 1-2-3 : Juliette Eugénie